Confessions of a Technical Junkie

Written by John Rodgers who lives and works in the NYC area building (sometimes) useful things. You should follow him on Twitter


June 19, 2020

Well, its been just over 2 months since my last post. Way too long between posts, but I’ve been busy (isn’t that always the excuse?) I’ve…

Hacking Tips

April 08, 2020

So, I just finished doing a hacking room on TryHackMe and I think I’ve seen a few common threads. Another site to try is Hack The Box…

The site is live!

April 04, 2020

Up and hosted online So this site has gone live using AWS Amplify. I want to give credit where it is due so I learned about Gatsby and…

My Second Post - Project List

April 04, 2020

Well, I guess to provide some kind of reference for the upcoming posts, I thought it would be useful to provide a list of my current…

Origin of a blog

April 03, 2020

The first tentative steps down the path to enlightenment (or is that an oncoming train?)